








We design tailor-made solutions
to engage your target audience
Based in Hastings on England’s sunny South coast, FAT Promotions is now in our twenty-fifth year (which is ages in internet terms you know, web years are like dog years) and we put every minute of that experience and expertise into your project.
Our long standing success in developing effective websites and online solutions comes from our highly skilled in-house staff as well as our network of talented freelance designers and programmers who we bring in to work on specific projects. This means that you get the very best people for your particular project and we can keep our pricing competitive as we don’t have large agency overheads – everyone’s a winner!
Having created thousands of websites, ecommerce solutions and online database systems over the years, we know exactly what it takes to make your website a success.
We combine your Vision – what you really want your business to achieve; with the right Technology to deliver the results you want; and our Expertise – to interpret and construct the ideal solution. These three elements are combined in every project we create, and that’s why we achieve real results for our clients time and time again…