Don’t DIY with AI

You may feel you “have to get to grips” with AI, but is it really the best use of your time? Here’s how to feel the benefit of new technology while focussing on what you do best – running your business

In today’s fast-paced digital world, it’s tempting to think you can do it all yourself – especially with the advent of AI. But here’s the kicker: trying to master the art of crafting the perfect prompt for AI-generated content can quickly turn into a rabbit hole. You might start out thinking, “How hard can it be?” But, before you know it, you’re buried under tutorials, best practices, and tech jargon that could make even the savviest marketer’s head spin. The question is, do you really want to spend your valuable time playing tech wizard, or would you rather focus on what you do best – running your business?

The DIY Trap: More Work, Less Reward

Let’s break it down. You’re a business owner, not a tech guru. Yet, the DIY mentality can lure you in, making you believe that learning how to craft the ideal prompt for AI is just another feather in your cap. But here’s the reality check: AI, while incredibly powerful, requires a nuanced understanding to use effectively. It’s not just about typing in a few words and hitting ‘enter’. It’s about understanding the technology, knowing how to manipulate it, and staying on top of ever-evolving algorithms.

Think about it this way: would you attempt to rebuild your car’s engine just because you know how to drive? Probably not. You’d leave that to the mechanics—experts who have the skills and knowledge to do the job right. The same logic applies to AI. Sure, you might get the engine to sputter to life with a bit of tinkering, but is that really the best use of your time? And more importantly, is it the best for your business?

The Hidden Costs of DIY AI

Let’s not forget about the hidden costs. Diving into AI prompts might seem cost-effective at first. After all, you’re not paying anyone else to do it, right? But what about the hours you’re spending on trial and error? Time, as they say, is money. Every hour you spend tweaking AI prompts is an hour you’re not spending on your core business activities – strategising, networking, leading your team. And those hours add up.

And, without being too personal, the output quality might not even match your expectations. AI is a tool, and like any tool, it’s only as good as the person using it. Without proper training or experience, you might find the content lacks the punch, personality, or polish you’re looking for.

So, what’s the alternative?

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Instead of trying to become an AI expert overnight, why not leverage the expertise of those who already are? There are professionals out there whose bread and butter is crafting precise AI prompts that yield engaging, high-quality content. By partnering with them, you’re not just saving time; you’re ensuring that your content is top-notch. And with less time spent down AI rabbit holes, you can focus on what you’re really good at – steering your business towards growth.

Think about it: your role as a business leader is to set the vision, inspire your team, and drive results. It’s not to get lost in the weeds of tech. By focusing on your strengths and outsourcing tasks like AI content generation, you’re playing to your strengths. And isn’t that what great leadership is all about?

Sidebar: I believe in this so completely, the very first chapter of my best-selling book Website Mastery for Business Owners who Don’t Speak Tech, speaks directly to how I’ve seen business owners waste their time and talents on trying to learn to code. Grab your free chapter here

Stay in Your Lane and Thrive

Here’s the bottom line: don’t DIY with AI. It’s not just about saving time or avoiding frustration. It’s about staying in your lane – doing what you’re best at that nobody else can do and certainly not the way you do it. Your business is your engine, and you’re the one who knows how to drive it forward. Don’t get sidetracked by trying to master tools that aren’t in your wheelhouse. Instead, focus on strategic decisions, building relationships, and innovating within your industry. That’s where your true value lies and, let’s be honest, it probably lights you up a LOT more than a day of talking to robots.

So, next time you’re tempted to dive into the world of AI prompts, take a step back and ask yourself: is this the best use of my time? Chances are, it’s not. Stick to what you do best, and watch your business thrive.

Reach out to me today and book a free Digital Breakthrough Session to find out how we’re applying AI to help our clients evaluate the market and accept orders for new products, events and online courses – before they’ve even started building them…!

Have you read our best-selling book: Website Mastery for Business Owners who Don’t Speak Tech?

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