Comparison is NOT a Monster, it’s your friend

We’re told to avoid comparing ourselves with others – often demonising social media as an instrument for this – but did you know that comparison can also be a driving force for positive change? If you’re ready to push yourself out of that comfort zone, read on to discover how to harness this and dramatically improve your online impact…

Ever started a new website project and felt the pressure to measure up to the competition? It’s all too common to think that the key to success lies in keeping a laser focus on what others in your industry are doing. But here’s the truth: comparison is not the monster it’s made out to be. In fact, done the right way, it can be your greatest ally for growth. At our agency, we believe in this principle so strongly that we start every project with our unique tool – the Project Compass.

So, What is the Project Compass?

Picture a compass guiding you through uncharted territory. That’s exactly how we approach each new website project – navigating not just the expected paths, but also the hidden routes that can lead to bigger opportunities – with a 360-degree industry review of your industry. BUT it’s not about looking at your competitors and following their lead – it’s about understanding the bigger picture.

Sure, keeping an eye on the competition is important, but it’s just one piece of the puzzle. What about other sources of online traffic? Your potential audience is likely being influenced by a whole range of platforms, trends, and content that may have nothing to do with your direct competitors. Uncover these overlooked aspects and you’ll find a wealth of useful information to help you deliver a website that meets your target audience exactly where they are now.

It’s All About the Audience

Imagine trying to reach your destination without understanding the roads you’re traveling. Without knowing who your audience is paying attention to online, you’re essentially driving blind. That’s why our approach starts with deep research, including:

  • What other sites does your target audience frequent?
  • Which online influencers are they following?
  • What types of content do they engage with the most?

Tap into the entire online experience of your target customers – not just the obvious competitors within your sector. Get inside their head!

Unlocking Traffic and Business Growth

Now, how does this all translate to real results? Well, using this information you can map out a really clear picture of your ideal client’s wants and needs, then tailor your site’s design and content strategy to meet these head on and attract more traffic.

And not just any traffic – we’re talking about qualified visitors who are genuinely interested in what you offer.

It’s all about focusing on the bigger picture. For example, you might be in the fitness industry, but what if your ideal customer is also browsing wellness blogs, nutrition websites, or even fashion platforms? These are opportunities you can leverage through collaboration or partnerships – or even including a section within your site on these specific topics, to keep your website visitors engaged for longer. The longer they stay, the longer you have to build a connection between your brand and their needs – and that is super valuable for repeat visits next time they need what you have to offer.

Plus, as we all know, more qualified traffic means more conversions. We’re talking measurable growth – whether that’s in terms of sales, leads, or customer engagement – ensuring that your website isn’t just another face in the crowd but a standout performer in driving your business forward. Click here to read my recent article about this: Connecting the Dots on Your Website.

Why Settle for Average?

So many businesses fall into the trap of simply copying their competitors, thinking that’s the fast track to success, but the truth is there’s so much more out there. Taking a fresh look at your competitors may spur you into innovation for your own site too, you don’t want to be the same as them so what could you offer that they don’t? What do the websites your prospects visit in seemingly-unconnected industries have to teach you about what your customers really want to see?

Sidebar: A great example of this was the site we created for a chain of care homes across the UK. We discovered that their potential customers were also looking at Estate Agents, as moving to a larger house was another approach to caring for elderly parents. This revealed that all they really cared about was LOCATION, not features and benefits!

In the end, comparison isn’t the enemy – narrow thinking is. Our Project Compass takes that tired old comparison monster of “what does everyone else do” and turns it into an opportunity for innovation and growth. And the results? You’ll see them in your traffic, conversions, and, ultimately, your bottom line.

Ready to See Where Your Compass Takes You?

There’s more to your online presence than meets the eye. With our Project Compass, we unlock the true potential of your website, delivering real, measurable growth. If you’re ready to break free from the competition-focused mindset and tap into the broader market, let’s chat. Or, for more ideas on reviewing your competitors with a strategic eye, check out Chapter 5 We compete for attention but we’re not competitors in my best-selling book Website Mastery for Business Owners who Don’t Speak Tech

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